Wednesday, August 4, 2010

House sports day

At the end of term 2 the whole school played sport through out the whole day. The games we had to choose from was netball at the Franklin netball courts or turbo touch on the school fields. The school house groups are Batten A and B which is red, Ngata A and B which yellow, Rutherford A and B which is green, Hillary A and B which is black and Shepard A and B which is blue. At the netball courts we had 3 or 4 teams in every house. I was playing netball for the day. From the beginning of the day the people that were playing netball met up at the school courts and started walking over to the Franklin netball courts when everyone was ready to go. When we got to the courts we all sat in our house teams and waited for our instructions and find out who was playing fist. After that our games started and team mates were cheering for their team. At interval and lunch we all sat down and had something to eat. When we all stopped eating the games started again. The Rutherford team were the loudest group cheering for their team while they were yelling and screaming the other houses were trying to beat Rutherford by trying to yell out their team name.

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